Diners Club E-Services

The new diners club e-services, the „e-konto“ is a free service for all business clients in Austria. It makes it possible for the clients to quick and easy monitor their accounts and gives full control over all expenses on a secure online platform. as well as a personal overview (dashboard), the system offers detailed views of individual transactions and additional data, a personal message center and an online overview of all invoices. The data can also be downloaded as txt, csv or pdf documents.

It goes without saying that the system is responsive and therefore works with the same high performance on a smartphone and tablet as on a desktop computer. Freiland has optimised all processes and redesigned the systems interface down to its finest details to ensure a smooth and efficient tool for the complete account administration.

Type: Interactive Design & UI/UX-Design
Services: Web Design
Realized: June 2015

Industry: Banking & Finance
Client: DC Bank AG


Our main focus while designing the interface was to achieve a simplified and consistent user experience on all devices. By testing the processes and design according to the motto ‘less is more’, we believe to have found the easiest and most comprehensive solution. Besides using ‘open-sans’, a highly legible typeface that is optimised for all screens and resolutions, the icons are leading the user in a clear and structured way through the processes of the site.
Only four colours, all anchored in diners clubs design, are implemented following strict guidelines:
a modest and professional grey makes together with the noble diners club dark blue the foundation for the site. An active blue signals action (cta), and the orange is used for hints, tips and warnings.

Sadly, due to safety reasons we are not able to link to the site as it is only accessible for diners club business partners.