Die Halde Corporate Identity and Web Design
From down below to the top. From the valley to the mountain. The roads wind their way in the direction of relaxation. At 1,147 meters, Die Halde is closer to the sky – high above the daily grind..
Past rural houses, pastures and mighty forests. One more turn and the panoramic view unveils itself. Get out. Breathe in.
The air is finely seasoned. The landscape so close that you can touch it. Whatever the wind, the fog, the sun and the snow make of the day – our mountain world promises you indulgence: 1,147 meters of great indulgence.
Inside, the people of Die Halde take care of you and let you feel the greatest luxury of this place: feel secure and yet free.
Type: Branding, Corporate Identity, Web Design
Services: Concept, Corporate Design, Web Design
Realized: June 2017
Industry: Gastronomy, Tourism
Client: Die Halde

About the Halde
This resulted in a project we are particularly proud of, not only because we got to work with the talented people there, but also because of the way we succeeded in making the regular guests still feel at home, even after so much was changed.

For halde.com we set up a custom tailored CMS solution based on the open source system Neos. By preparing ready-made building blocks, the people at Die Halde can easily update their website themselves.
Experience the website and book your next holiday here!

Teaser video for the relaunch of the website: